Last weekend while we were in San Diego Gavin meet his uncle Ricky for the first time. It was a bitter sweet moment for me. I was so gald that Ricky came down to see him cause he's getting big and I want Ricky to be in
his life. Well me and my brother have a difficult relationship and like any other brother and sister we don't always see eye to eye at certain things. It was also the first time in 11 months that I had seen my brother too. And it hurt the whole time, but I was being stubburn. I should have been a better person and called him and forgave him, but I would pray every Sunday at church and tell GOD to help me be a better sister,wife and mom. I would tell myself ok today I will make an effort and call him, but than there would be that hurt inside me and I never did call him. I love him so much but I want more for him and he's trying and going through life in a steady pace, and I have to respect him for that. I can't push him when he's not ready. Seeing him on Saturday at my mom's house for dinner was the best feeling ever, it felt like all this weight had come off my shoulders. I cried and told him I loved him and that I was sorry. The next day we went to his apartment and hung out for awhile. It was nice and I know that last weekend was the best weekend of my mom's life... we were all a family again.

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