Well be have had such a buzy last couple of weeks. We First went to one of my good cousins wedding in San Pedro, CA. We had soo much fun and danced all night long... well I needed to take some breaks, but Jose, well he had his dancing shoes on and danced ALL night long ;> Gavin stayed at Grandma's house and well he partied like a ROCK STAR. He was not in bed until 9:30pm, and I'm sure grandma was giving him a lot more milk than what mommy would given him.( you can tell by his SIZE he LOVES his milk!!) I guess those are the perks when you stay at Grandma's house. It was the first night that I wasn't going to put Gavin to sleep, I was alittle emontional but I knew he was in good hands. Our trip didn't end there we were home for about a day than flew out to El Paso, TX to see the In-Laws !!! Gavin was able to see his cousin again :> We had such a good time. We all went out to dinner with the whole family one night, got Krispy Kreme donuts, had a cook out, and R E L A X !!! Now that I'm thinking of it we pretty much just ate the whole time... yummy!!! Gavin did so good on the plane, he's just my little Jet- Setter. Our trips don't end here there are so many parties and baby showers coming up so we'll be having a pretty buzy next couple of weeks.
1 comment:
I know! YOu guys are never home!!!! I make sure to swing by before you leave us AGAIN!!!l ;0) but it looks like you three are having lots of fun this summer!!!
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