Well guess how I spent my Saturday night last weekend?... Yup Babysitting, while all my cousins and Jose went to the Diamond back vs Dodgers baseball game. I was all by myself and a little scared in the beginning when they got to my house, but It actually went well!! I was babysitting a 4 year old, 1 1/2 yr. old, 1 yr. old and yes my wonderful handsome son GAVIN... who is 6 months now. I enjoyed it and it was nice to see Gavin interact with his cousins. My little cousin Isaih was so cute I called him my little "snack attack machine" he would eat all his snacks I gave him plus all the ones that would fall on the blanket and even the ones that little Myla Mae would leave behind. BOY! he was quick too, there would be snacks on the highchair and the next thing I know there all stuffed in his mouth ;> They are such good kids which made my job so much easier. (kudos to their parents!!;>) Not one of them cried and at the end of the night I gave the kids some milk, laid them down while I put Gavin to sleep and my the time I came down stair they were ALL ASLEEP. How easy was that!! Now don't get me wrong my the time everyone came back to pick up the kidos I was tried. Well I can't believe these words are going to come out of my mouth, but while I was babysitting and everything was going great I actually considered having 4 Kids because I did such a GOOD job... than I came back to reality and 4 kids would be a bit much.