I can't believe that Gavin is going to be 5 months next Sunday. Wow!! we're half way through the year... time flys. Well i was reminiscing at some old pictures of gavin and couldn't believe how small he looked when i had him. He's growing every day and becoming a big boy. He gots the hang of rolling over and that's all he wants to do when i put him on his back. He is even sleeping on his tummy which i don't like too much cause it just makes me worry, but people asure me that if he can pick his head up that he's fine. Let me tell you this boy can eat.. Gavin is also eating rice cereal now, and I give it to him once a day which replaced 1 bottle. He can tear up his bowl like nothing. I just love him soooo much.
He's so cute!! I just want to eat him! Thanks for dinner last night is was so funny and the food was SOOOO good! Yummy! Can't wait to do it again!!!
Awww! I'm so happy that you created this bolg! It gives me a chance to keep up with you guys! The baby is sooooo big and sooooo cute! What a Hunk-O-Roo! Watch out Moe, come 12 years from now, you'll be having little girls knocking at your door for GAVIN all the time. And NO, you won't forever be the only woman in his life... sorry! Hopefully you don't turn into one of those crazy mother n' laws! Hehehehe! => Anyway, so happy to know and see that the Mergy family is doing well and growing! Congrats on everything! P.S. Monique deserves the world (insert cough) Jose!!! Love you All... God bless.
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